He’d like to go to the park and chase butterflies. He’d like to go to the rooftop garden and eat lettuce. He wouldn’t even mind getting a job to help Mary pay rent. Hey, maybe he’d even get to meet other city bunnies just like him!
Now, Hoppy doesn’t speak—everyone knows bunnies can’t speak (or can they?)—so to get Mary’s attention that Friday night, he gave her some nose nudges, threw his food, hopped in the trash can, refused to eat, bunny binkied across the room and then made her pillow into a litter box. EW!
On Saturday morning, Mary woke up confused. She couldn’t figure out why Mr. Hoppy Golightly was acting so strange. Was he sick? Did he drink too much spiked carrot juice last night? Was he hot? He is wearing three Angora sweaters at once (in the middle of the summer)! Does he need a haircut? Does he need a friend?
Mary knew she didn’t have space for another rabbit in her small apartment. She sat on the couch and watched her little fluffball at play. He slid around on the kitchen tiles and then cleaned her hardwood floor with his fluffy tail until it shined like a diamond.
That’s when she realized he was bored. Maybe he needs a job!
But who would hire a fluffy Angora bunny? What could he do for work? He can’t speak so sales is out of the question. He poops every time he hops so he couldn’t work in a restaurant.